How to clean a sofa?

March 22nd at 9:39pm

You probably use your sofa every day. That's why it's important to regularly clean this piece of furniture that is an integral part of everyday life. Whether you have a leather sofa, a fabric sofa or even a convertible sofa, there are several solutions to wash your cushions effectively. Between vacuuming, baking soda, white vinegar or even ammonia, you are spoiled with multiple choices to bring your sofa back to its youthful glory.

Why is it important to clean your sofa?

The sofa is usually one of the centrepieces of the living room. It is therefore prominently placed in the living room. The sofa is particularly vulnerable to stains and dirt. If your dog likes to curl up on it, it will be covered in hair. Perhaps you have young children who tend to wipe their little hands on your cushions. In any case, it is important to take care of your sofa regularly so that it retains its original colour. Frequent cleaning also means that bacteria and dust can be removed from the sofa. The sofa should be cleaned not only on the surface but also deep down, to get rid of dust mites and prevent the formation of mould.

How to clean a fabric sofa with baking soda

Baking soda is very effective for cleaning a fabric sofa. It is a dry cleaning method, ideal for fragile surfaces that are difficult to clean with water. To do this, sprinkle the baking soda directly onto the entire surface of the sofa. Wait a few hours for the product to take effect on the stains and bacteria. Then use a soft brush to scrub the surface of the sofa to get the baking soda to penetrate. Once you have finished treating the entire sofa, simply vacuum up the dust and dirt with a hoover. This way, not only will you deodorise the sofa, but you will also bring out its colours.

Is ammonia effective for cleaning sofa fabric?

Ammonia is among the most effective tips for cleaning sofa fabric. As it is a slightly aggressive product, you should not forget to put on gloves before handling it. You can even wear a mask to avoid splashing it in your eyes. To clean your sofa, you need to prepare a mixture with ammonia: fill a bowl with warm water, then pour in a few drops of ammonia and dishwashing liquid. Mix it well with a spatula that you don't use for food, then take a damp flannel or sponge. Dip it in your mixture, wring it out and then gently rub the sofa. Don't be afraid to try it out on an inconspicuous area first to make sure the ammonia doesn't damage the fabric of your sofa.

How to use white vinegar to deep clean your sofa

If your sofa can be washed with water (it says so on the manufacturer's label), white vinegar is a useful product to deep clean your furniture with. Pour water into a bowl, and add a few drops of dishwashing liquid and white vinegar. Take a sponge, dip it in your mixture and use it to rub the entire surface of the sofa. Don't hesitate to insist on the most stained areas, to revive the original colours. When you are sure you have treated the entire sofa, take a clean, slightly dampened cloth and use it to rinse the fabric with clean water. Then leave the sofa to dry, leaving the cushions aside.

How to wash a leather sofa

You can use white vinegar to clean your leather sofa. To do this, pour a few drops of white vinegar onto a microfiber cloth, then dab the entire surface of your sofa. Be careful not to rub!

Cleansing milk is also very effective in removing dust from a leather sofa. Applied with a cotton pad or microfiber cloth, it restores the leather's suppleness while nourishing it.

After applying vinegar or milk to the entire surface of your sofa, complete its cleaning by polishing it with a microfiber cloth. This will restore its softness and shine. Remember to repeat the operation regularly to keep your leather sofa in good condition for as long as possible!